
Five celebrities who fell from grace over their anti-LGBTQ+ views

We’ve seen enough celebrities fall from grace over their anti-LGBTQ+ views to know that it’s well past time that famous people started deferring to their publicists on queer issues.

There was a time when expressing homophobic views was common for celebrities. In the 60s, 70s and 80s, it happened with such frequency that LGBTQ+ people of the day probably felt there were very few public figures they could truly trust.

Nowadays, it has become a little less socially acceptable for celebrities to express those sorts of views. Most know they risk losing fans, which translates to losing income, if they say homophobic or transphobic things.

But for every celebrity who apologises or keeps quiet about their anti-LGBTQ+ views, there’s another famous figure who happily doubles down, even though they know they are likely to lose support from queer people and their allies.

Here are five celebrities who have done exactly that.

What do you think?

Written by Patrick Kelleher

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