
Celebrity hangout Chiltern Firehouse slammed by angry residents

Celebrity hangout Chiltern Firehouse has been slammed for being ‘no better than a rowdy boozer’ by angry residents who say they are routinely confronted with drunken couples getting frisky in public and persistent noise.

The venue in London‘s exclusive Marylebone district has become an A-listers’ favourite that has attracted a dazzling list of global stars since it opened in 2014 as well as those hoping to rub shoulders with the rich and famous.

But despite the celebrity glamour, neighbours claim their lives have been blighted by amorous couples getting carried away with each other outside their homes, anti-social behaviour and boisterous guests leaving the venue in the early hours of the morning.

In the latest incident, one couple were seen frolicking outside Chiltern Firehouse in full view of shocked neighbours. A series of lurid images showed a woman with her trousers around her ankles as a man held her hands. In another, he is kissing her with his hands down her trousers while in another he has his head buried in her breasts.

Andrew Patrick, 78 a retired engineer who lives in an exclusive block of flats adjoining Chiltern Firehouse told MailOnline: ‘You can feel besieged because it’s always so bloody noisy. There just seem to be a lot of mutton heads that go to Chiltern Firehouse.

Neighbours claim their lives have been blighted by amorous couples getting carried away with each other outside their homes
They seemed totally oblivious to the people walking past them, on the busy road, and despite security asking them to stop, they took no notice
Celebrity hangout Chiltern Firehouse has been slammed for being 'no better than a rowdy boozer'

‘It’s always crowded and when people leave, they are a damn nuisance. You see some of them getting quite frisky in public and sexually rowdy. I can’t stand the noise and the way they behave. It’s disgusting.’

Sarah, 38 who did not want to give her last name said: ‘Chiltern Firehouse might be world famous but it’s no better than a rowdy boozer you might find down an ordinary high street. I’ve lived here all my life and I can tell you that this was a lovely, peaceful area before it came along.

‘There’s constant noise, celebrities going in and out and people who are not famous making total arses of themselves. There’s a terrible problem with public drunkenness, inappropriate sexual behaviour and lots of yelling and screaming.’

Chiltern Firehouse is located on Chiltern Street in Marylebone in what was once a Victorian built fire station. It is made up of a chic 26-bedroom boutique hotel, where rooms cost around £1,000 per night; a plush bar and a restaurant with a waiting list of up to three months if you are not a major celebrity.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce celebrated the end of her sold out London shows in June by having dinner at the stylish venue with a group of celebrity friends.

Others that have been regularly spotted at Chiltern Firehouse include Kate Moss, Tom Cruise, Carla Delevingne, Adele and Stella McCartney to name but a few of the superstars who have enjoyed a night out there.

The couple were seen enjoying a passionate moment in the middle of the street
The woman's shirt rode up and her trousers became undone, revealing her underwear
Pictured above is Lady Lola Bute as she is being carried by a friend after a visit to Chiltern Firehouse in June
Lady Lola Bute is seen slumped against a friend, sitting by some dustbins, outside posh members club the Chiltern Firehouse in June

Felix, another resident who has lived on Chiltern Street for more than 20 years, fumed: ‘It might be popular with celebrities but a lot of other people who go to that place are just yobs, regardless of how much money they might have.

‘They get drunk out of their heads and behave as if they are in their grotty local pub. It can be quite hellish late at night when they leave.’

He added: ‘This is a very exclusive area and we’re not used to that sort of thing. This neighbourhood has changed a lot over the past ten years since Chiltern Firehouse opened.’

Satinder Sohi, 70 who regularly stays in a flat adjoining Chiltern Firehouse to help look after his two granddaughters said: ‘There are always lots of drunk people coming out late at night. You can hear them screaming and shouting and sometimes couples get carried away.

‘It’s not very pleasant to see a man and woman behaving as if they are in their bedroom while on the pavement outside your property but sadly, we’ve become used to it.’

Residents affected by the venue all live in luxury flats above an exclusive row of shops on Chiltern Street that cost anything up to £2 million.

They revealed that they had complained to the management of Chiltern Firehouse about the persistent noise and anti-social behaviour.

To placate them, the venue shuts its front entrance at 11pm with guests instructed to leave through a back door that opens onto a cobbled street so that neighbours are not disturbed.

Satinder Sohi (pictured), 70 who regularly stays in a flat adjoining Chiltern Firehouse to help look after his two granddaughters, said: 'There are always lots of drunk people coming out late at night. You can hear them screaming and shouting and sometimes couples get carried away'
Pictured above is the back of the hotel where diners are asked to leave from
Taylor Swift, pictured performing at Wembley in June, and Travis Kelce celebrated the end of her sold out London shows in June by having dinner at the stylish venue with a group of celebrity friends

Sarah added: ‘Both the management committee for the flats and the residents’ association have raised this issue of noise and anti-social behaviour with Chiltern Firehouse, but it’s not made any difference.

‘People leave the venue from the back but most of our bedrooms look out onto this cobbled street, and we’re still affected by the noise and some of the other stuff that goes on. 

‘We aren’t interested in celebrities, we just want some peace and quiet.’

Staff at the venue admitted that while things are quiet during the day it can get rowdy at night.

Jimmy, who works at Chiltern Firehouse dealing with VIP guests said: ‘I’m responsible for looking after some very famous people and I can’t say anything about them.

‘But it can get very rowdy late at night and all kinds of things go on, especially when people are leaving. The neighbours are right, some people are out of control.’

This is not the first time a loved up couple has sparked outrage in the area. In January 2023, a naked couple caused a scandal by performing a ’45-minute sex show’ in full view of horrified VIPs at Chiltern Firehouse – on the same night pop sensation Dua Lipa partied there.

A naked couple sparked outrage in January 2023 by performing a '45-minute sex show' in full view of horrified VIPs at exclusive celebrity hangout the Chiltern Firehouse
The pair had sex in full view of onlookers against a window at Chiltern Firehouse, above a rear entry door used by the venue's celebrity clientele including Lipa
Dua Lipa was at Chiltern Firehouse the same night the couple performed their sex show

The pair scandalously engaged in all manner of sex acts up against a frosted window in their hotel room at the west London venue – with the bedroom lights on, leaving nothing to the imagination – above a rear entry door used by Lipa and her friends in January 2023. 

A source said the couple were ‘really going for it’, adding: ‘They’d left the lights on in the room so it was illuminated for all to see.

‘They went on for ages, in all sorts of different positions, as more and more people gathered below in shock.’ 

Chiltern Firehouse is owned by celebrated American hotelier André Balazs who also owns two other luxury hotels in the US popular with celebrities: Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles and Sunset Beach on Long Island.

Chiltern Firehouse has been contacted for comment.

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Written by Vivek Chaudhary

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