
Police probing top female celebrity’s ‘revenge porn’ hell make arrest

  • Alleged victim is said to be ‘mortified’ over the claimed leak of sexual images 

Police have arrested a man in his 30s amid an investigation into ‘leaked sexual images’ of a top female celebrity.

The suspect was arrested by police on Tuesday morning following a complaint by the celebrity that she was the victim of ‘revenge porn’.

Neither party has been named.

Police said they had carried out a search of the suspect’s address and seized devices before questioning the man and taking DNA samples.

The man was arrested on suspicion of ‘sharing a film or photograph of a person in an intimate setting, with intent to cause alarm, distress, or humiliation, contrary to the Sexual Offences Act 2003’.

The man was taken to a local police station where he was fingerprinted, gave DNA and had a mugshot taken following the raid on his house yesterday morning.

He was questioned with a solicitor present, police said. 

Details of the case itself have not been shared.

Police also took a statement from the alleged victim as part of the probe.

It is understood she has been informed of the arrest, The Express reports

‘She was absolutely mortified to see these pictures shared and took swift action,’ a source close to the celebrity said, as reported by The Sun.

‘It is a terrible thing to do to someone and is a desecration of their right to privacy.’ 

Separately, celebrity revenge porn has been in focus with the legal battle between Stephen Bear and Georgia Harrison.

The former Celebrity Big Brother winner, 34, faced nine months in prison if he did not pay a sum of £22,000 earned illegally by sharing a sex tape of him with Ms Harrison.

Bear was jailed in March last year after being found guilty of voyeurism and of two counts of disclosing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress. 

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has confirmed that Bear has since paid the £22,305 confiscation order in full. 

Ms Harrison warned of the damage to reputation suffered by victims of revenge porn, telling the court how fashion brands had abandoned her after the sex-tape was published.

She has since become a campaigner against revenge porn and violence.

In October last year, she appeared on stage at Labour’s conference in Liverpool to demand that abuse cases are given priority in courts.

She said it took two years from the day she reported the crime for Bear to be convicted and warned about the impact of long legal processes on victims of other crimes, such as rape and domestic abuse.

After being found guilty, Bear will have to wear an ankle tag throughout the second half of his sentence.

A restraining order bans him from contacting Ms Harrison for five years and he must also keep police informed of his whereabouts for a decade.

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Written by James Reynolds

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