
Porn star Kendra Sunderland arrested for drug possession

News about celebrity arrests in the United States are usually the order of the day. A few weeks ago we got the news that singer and actor Justin Timberlake had been arrested after he ran a stop sign and the police, upon stopping the artist’s vehicle, discovered that he was driving under the influence of alcohol.

Cases like this are commonplace and Timberlake‘s in particular seemed to cut through and was followed all around the world.

In addition, in the USA there is media that is dedicated, almost entirely, to this type of news. TMZ is usually the website in charge of bringing to light this information and this week, among other things, they have told the world about the arrest of a popular adult film actress, Kendra Sunderland, who was arrested by the agents of Montgomery County, in the state of Texas.

Less than a gram of THC

The arrest took place shortly after noon on August 1 when, in broad daylight, the agents stopped the adult film star and in the search they found marijuana among her belongings.

It was slightly less than a gram, something that in the United States is called possession of a ‘controlled substance’.

She lives in Nevada where the law gives her the right to legally possess up to 2.5 ounces (just over 70 grams) of cannabis in her residence or in a licensed social hall, but in Texas things are quite different and it is completely illegal.

TMZ contacted the actress who did not want to say too much: “I’ve been advised not to say anything. I’m not trying to incriminate myself anymore. I just know I’m not a criminal. I’m just a smoker.” Kendra was released after posting $1,000 bail.

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Written by smmAdapted by TBS

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