
Celebrities, main victims of deepfakes

When you look at someone intensely or lasciviously, it is often said that you “undress them with your eyes“. We no longer need to use our imagination for this, artificial intelligence can do it for you in a matter of minutes. The main victims of this? Women and celebrities.

According to The Guardian, an analysis carried out by Channel 4 News has revealed that over 4,000 celebrities have already been victims of deepfake pornography. The data comes after analyzing the five most visited deepfake websites in recent months (about 100 million visits) by users.

Cathy Newman, presenter of Channel 4 News, has also been a victim of this technology. Newman describes the situation as “sinister” and feels like a “violation“. In the United Kingdom, sharing this type of images is punishable by law since January 31 of this year, but not their creation.

However, this is not limited to just the most famous personalities. Sophie Parrish, a citizen of Merseyside, told The Guardian that she was also a victim of this type of manipulation: “It is very violent, very degrading. It’s as if women don’t mean anything, we’re not worth anything and we’re just a piece of meat. Men can do whatever they want. Before this, I trusted everyone.”

On the other hand, companies like Google also condemn these types of acts and claim to be committed to “helping the affected individuals”. In Spain, there is already a bill to regulate this situation, which would help classify these images as fake. In this proposal, the dissemination of deepfakes is sought to be declared a very serious offense, unless they include some kind of warning.

María López

María López

Artist by vocation and technology lover. I have liked to tinker with all kinds of gadgets for as long as I can remember.

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