
5 women who had sex with celebrities and exactly what it was like.

The ‘blonde floppy-haired’ boy band member. 

“I’m a Brit and was living in the US at the time aged 19 doing a summer season in a resort, and everyone knew he lived in the area. Word would spread when he was in the local supermarket and my friends and I would rush there to try and spot him!

Over time, I became friends with his friends and one night he joined us to play pool in a bar. I bee-lined for him. After a few drinks, my friend and I left with him and his mate to go back to his beach mansion.

But on the way, he pulled over and me and him had sex in his Escalade, while my friend and his mate got down next to us. Back at his house, we all went swimming in his pool in our undies. I kept thinking this is a night that I won’t forget.

My friend back home was obsessed with him and had his posters all over her walls. So next morning, I sent her a voicemail (it was 2000s!) screaming down the phone ‘You’ll never guess who I pulled last night!’

Still to this day, their songs come on in bars constantly and the girls who know give me a cheer!”

The stingy celebrity. 

“I used to date and regularly sleep with somebody in the entertainment business who is well known. He was very kind and giving in bed but I was constantly off it because he made me split all the bills even though he was much, much richer than I could ever dream of being.” 

What do you think?

Written by Tara Watson

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